Quotes I Like

“It’s obvious the game has changed” - it’s obvious you haven’t been in tech all that long. :wink: that was a joke answer - no offence intended :slight_smile: But seriously, I’ve heard “the game has changed” many, many, many times over the last few decades. Its true. The game is constantly changing. :slight_smile:
“what you all are focusing on to stay employed in tech”. - Same answer as its always been:
Be reliable, show up, get stories in the Done column. Be friendly, nice, help others when they’re stuck, ask for help when you’re stuck, do a mixture of work, some with new tech you wanna learn, some on old legacy stuff or things other people don’t like so they’re grateful you did so they didn’t have to and want to hang onto you 'cos you know the codebase. Look after your boss :slight_smile: People forget to do this. (not being a sycophant, just genuinely making their life easier and trying to be not too much of a PITA to manage). If a job ends up being stressful / non-fun, or you’re locked into all old tech with no future, then ask for a change to the role, or move jobs internally or externally.